how to be a good VEDSie
I want to make videos!
so, you think you got what it takes?
spoiler alert: of course you do. anyone can participate in VEDS!
- use what you've got
- film where you can
- say what you want
all you need is a camera that shoots video, and a way to upload your video to YouTube. use your smartphone. use your laptop webcam. use your old family camcorder + windows movie maker. (or use your 5K RED camera and premiere pro! it's up to you!)
your bedroom, your car, your kitchen. outside in the backyard. on the street. (is there something cool nearby, like a mural or beautiful walking trail? film there!)
the thing that makes your videos interesting is your voice, your perspective. find your field of expertise. we are currently accepting applications for experts in: K-Pop, Tumblr discourse, bookbinding, true crime podcasts, historical fashion, witchcraft, and literally anything.
I just wanna watch!
welcome, welcome, we love you. much of the joy of VEDS comes from being part of a community. that includes both video-makers and video-viewers.
- leave comments
- propose challenges
- ask questions
a view is a number. a like is a number. even a subscriber is a number. but a comment is REAL WORDS FROM AN ACTUAL HUMAN TYPING and that's kind of magical. be kind. leave comments.
challenges are an old VEDS tradition. challenge us to do something silly, or strange, or earnest, and maybe we'll do it.
so, what do you wanna know? if we're willing to get in front of a camera and talk 30 days in a row, we're probably happy to answer your questions.