my podcast credits ⤴
The Doctor Who Show: Primary Sources » Rob and I discuss some letters from the July 1985 issue of Doctor Who Magazine.
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I got into classic-era Doctor Who in 2020 and have been obsessed ever since. so it was only a matter of time until this happened: I'm on this week's episode of Primary Sources from The Doctor Who Show podcast! Rob and I had a blast talking about fandom in the 80s, whether your first Doctor is always your favourite Doctor, and why it's totally valid to love OR hate Time and the Rani.
Doctor Who content is not my main thing. but I do have fun in fandom every once in a while. mostly with the Fourth Doctor & Sarah Jane Smith. for example:
- I rescored Sarah Jane's farewell with some Murray Gold music to make it even more heartbreaking
- I also took a scene from "The Seeds of Doom" and rescored it with Donna Noble's theme
- I made a lot of GIFs of Sarah Jane & the Doctor
- I'm a huge fan of Big Finish! you can check out of some my favourite stories here, from the Main Range and beyond.
- and I edited together the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Doctors to create the ultimate Pandorica speech:

The Sirens of Audio Ep. 112: Urgent Autumn Omega » Dwayne, Philip and I take a look at two of my favourite half-hour Big Finish stories, "Urgent Calls" and "Autumn," and try to answer the question, "What's the perfect run time for Doctor Who on audio?" Plus, a discussion of "Omega," the Fifth Doctor story that made me truly appreciate Peter Davison.
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if you've seen my audio dramas page, then you'll know just how excited I am to share that I'm on an episode of The Sirens of Audio! Dwayne and Philip were kind enough to invite me for a conversation about some Big Finish audio dramas. We sat down for an hour to chat about two of my favourite half-hour stories: "Urgent Calls" by Eddie Robson and "Summer" by Paul Cornell. We also threw in "Omega" just for good measure :)
listen to the episode at the link above, or watch here:
The guys were so kind, and I had a fantastic time. It just so happened that the day of our recording fell right in the middle of a very busy, stressful week. I'd had a tough day, but it was such a relief to kick back and talk about these three stories, which are all comfort listens for me.
Our conversation covered a lot of ground, so I wanted to add a few show notes of my own:
- if you want to know what other Doctor Who audio stories I recommend, check out my long, incomplete list of Big Finish favourites - getting longer all the time!
- I wrote a prose poem last year called "the light in june" inspired by Paul Cornell's circular time monologue in "Autumn" (which Paul has just retweeted, oh my goodness)
- at the end of the show, Dwayne very kindly recommended my latest song, "warning signs" - a rough sketch of a possible apocalypse