about me

a photo of me, a young woman with dark curly hair. my hand is covering my face.

hi, I'm alicia.

these are a few of my favourite things:

  • fog hovering over the lake on an autumn morning
  • crisp notebook pages at first turning
  • fresh bread, buttered and steaming
  • oversized sweaters saved from dad's donation pile
  • sondheim lyrics
  • long instagram captions
  • discworld novels
  • that moment in when harry met sally when marie says, "all right, who wants coffee?" and jess says, "I do and I love you."
  • mycelium
  • the internet archive
  • book club
  • when someone tells me that my writing reached their heart
  • the sound of rain on a canopy

this site is a digital companion to my diary. it consists mainly of lists (what I'm reading and watching) and notes. you'll also find original songs and poems, favourite audio dramas, and newsletter recommendations. lots of things, really.

it is hand-crafted with HTML, CSS, and just a touch of JavaScript. (don't look at my code.) I believe in the ad-free, independent web, which is why I'm a Neocities supporter.

it is a perpetual work in progress.

contact me